McKenzie Institute India Conference 2023 - 25/11/2023

The McKenzie Institute India Conference 2023 was a wonderful success. We had two esteemed international speakers, Greg Lynch from New Zealand and Hans van Helvoirt from The Netherlands.
We also bid farewell to our Executive Director, Asha Menon, who was instrumental in setting up the McKenzie Institute India branch so that the teachings of Robin McKenzie could be accessed here.
Please see the photos below.

Embarking on a journey of innovation and collaboration.

Our sponsors - Easy Technology Healthcare

Our former Executive Director Dr. Asha Menon bids adieu, leaving behind a legacy of innovation and inspiration

Embracing heritage and hospitality: greeting delegates with the warmth of India's traditional customs

Our distinguished International faculty speakers, Greg Lynch (Top) and Hans Van Helvoirt (Bottom)

Exploring the depths of expertise: A dynamic panel discussion and interactive Q&A session fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants and speakers.

Unfiltered moments frozen in time

Gathering brilliance: Uniting minds and talents at MI India Conference 2023

Smiles all around radiating positivity

Captivated by the moment, a sea of faces enraptured in the event's magic

Unlocking Insights: Perspectives from our Diverse Panel of Speakers, Delving into Varied Topics and Compelling Case Studies.

Our Diverse speakers enlightening and inspiring on a spectrum of topics at the conference.

Connecting minds, shaping futures- moments that inspired at the conference event